Creating RC User
Follow the steps below:
> Input username and password.
> Click Add User
> Fill out the fields needed and then click save.
After creating the account be sure that the account was added to the addressbook for contact information of the newly created account. To do this:
> Go to roundcube.
> Use this user: Username : imail Password: useradmin > Next click the addressbook placed above the module.
> Click which department
CREATE TABLE roundcubemail.contacts_02132013 LIKE roundcubemail.contacts;
INSERT INTO roundcubemail.contacts_02132013 SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts
SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = ''
Wilbert Mark D. Gamboa
/* Update Usename*/
UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N:Gamboa;Wilbert Mark; D.;; FN:Wilbert Mark D. Gamboa EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = 'Marissa F. Venus',firstname = 'Marissa F.',surname = 'Venus', words = ' Marissa F. Venus'
WHERE email = ''
/*Robin Ramos*/
UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N:Acejo;Rafael;;; FN:Rafael Acejo EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = 'Rafael Acejo',firstname = 'Rafael ',surname = 'Acejo', words = ' Rafael Acejo'
WHERE email = ''
/*e311asm*/ SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = ''
UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N: ; ;;; FN: EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = ,firstname = ,surname = , words = ''
WHERE email = '' /*e317sh*/ SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = '' UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N: ; ;;; FN: EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = ,firstname = ,surname = , words = ''
WHERE email = '' /*e502ic*/ SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = '' UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N: ; ;;; FN: EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = ,firstname = ,surname = , words = ''
WHERE email = ''
/*e310ic*/ SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = '' UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N:Porras;Andrew ;;; FN:Andrew Porras EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = 'Andrew Porras',firstname = 'Andrew ',surname = 'Porras', words = ' andrew porras'
WHERE email = '' /*e495mo*/ SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = '' UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N:Quaron;Katrina ;A. ;; FN:Katrina A. Quaron EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = 'Katrina A. Quaron',firstname = 'Katrina ',surname = 'Quaron', words = ' katrina a. quaron'
WHERE email = ''
/*e501ta*/ SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = '' UPDATE roundcubemail.contacts SET vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD
VERSION:3.0 N:Foronda ;Fiona Alyssa ;H. ;; FN:Fiona Alyssa H. Foronda EMAIL;type=INTERNET; END:VCARD',`name` = 'Fiona Alyssa H. Foronda ',firstname = 'Fiona Alyssa ',surname = 'Foronda ', words = ' fiona alyssa h. foronda'
WHERE email = ''
Update Email Identities
SELECT * FROM myclearance.users WHERE username = 'mey_oebg_bill_sup'
SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.identities WHERE UPDATE roundcubemail.identities SET email = '' WHERE user_id = '154'
Update Quata Per User
SELECT * FROM myclearance.`users` WHERE username = 'rmdessi11'
UPDATE myclearance.users SET quota = '3400' WHERE username = 'rmdessi11'
UPDATE myclearance.users SET PASSWORD = MD5('init1234') WHERE username = 'ragarfin' UPDATE myclearance.users SET PASSWORD = '8b686d7b4302b99d6c2c8e939ed6832a' WHERE username = 'ragarfin'
Deactivate an Account
SELECT * FROM myclearance.`users` WHERE username = 'cgvasquez' UPDATE myclearance.`users` SET active = 'N' WHERE username = 'cgvasquez'
CREATE TABLE roundcubemail.contacts_06172013 LIKE roundcubemail.contacts; INSERT INTO roundcubemail.contacts_06172013 SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts;
SELECT * FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = '' DELETE FROM roundcubemail.contacts WHERE email = ''
Transfer email to a new created acount
cd /home cd /sap_is1 ls Maildir mv maildir Mdir_old cp -v -R /home/sap_mdc2/Maildir .
chown -R -v sap_is2:users Maildir
Update Password
/*reseting/updating password*/
INSERT INTO myclearance.users SELECT * FROM myclearance.users_02012013 WHERE username IN ('e488sh','e488ic','e488ta','e488so','e488em','e488mo','e488ic2','e488asm2')
UPDATE myclearance.users SET `password` = MD5('init1234') WHERE username = 'e401ic'